Current Projects
Let's hug 'n talk
Start: May 2023
I'm out on the street and invite people for a hug and some conversation. Human contact, to listen, touch and connection are essential to every person and our community at large. With 'Let's hug 'n talk' I inspire for to see oneanother.
Instagram: @lets_hug_n_talk
bram x bailey
Start: June 2023
Bags - handmade, recycled, with unique stories and metrials.
The first series 'krootjes' (red beets) are made of the King's Day 2023, held in Rotterdam.
Instagram: @bramxbailey
Etsy shop: The Lady Merel
Pin that book!
Start: March 2024
Emrboidered books - literally the covers - which I drop at various places as a form of guerilla art, for someone to find, read and/or pass on.
Instagram: @pinthatbook
Etsy shop: The Lady Merel
Pakje Kunst
met Pin that book!
Start: September 2024
The pieces of art are the size of a sigarette package, which you draw from old mechanical vending machines. You'll find all kinds of art in a box.
Facebook: Pakje Kunst Rotterdam
Qrabbl platform
Start: March 2024
Creative teacher on the subjects dance/movement, singing/voice experience, video/photography, writing, embroidery.
SKVR, Rotterdam
Start: Februari 2025
Multidisciplinairy teacher (for the elderly)
Expos + workshops
SintKerst Sale – Kobalt & Co, Rotterdam
November 21 – December 22, 2024
Presentation of my bram x bailey – krootjes bags and Pin that book! embroidered books.
Workshop 'Maak je eigen Geluksdraad'
Augustus 29 and September 5, 2024
As embroidery artist of Pin that book! I contributed to the workshop 'Maak je eigen Geluksdraad' by gallery Kobalt & Co (Rotterdam) in coorperation with Stichting Wijkcollectie. Translation valuable stories of happiness in to images through fabric techniques. The works were Vexhibited during the LeerCircus from September 12 - 18, 2024 on the Noorderplein, Rotterdam.
SummerSale expo – Kobalt & Co, Rotterdam
Augustus 2023
Presentation of my bram x bailey – krootjes bags.
Guestspeaker Kennisatelier - IDEM Rotterdam
April 11, 2019
During a gathering on the subject of 'Unseen Limitations' (Onzichtbare Beperkingen) for professionals working in the field of care, I was invited to speak about violence with the home, within a relationship.
Mama's Couch
September 14, 2018
I was invited as a speaker. Mama's Couch is a ongoing series of intimate and informal meetings, losely inspired on the European tradition of salons.
Workshop Diversity (Yoni Tempel)
August 21, 2018
At the 7 day Vrouwenfestival Lorelei (women's festival) Zoa Moeniralam, Gyonne Goedhoop, Elian van Esch, Bep Ruting and I did a 3 hour gathering on this issue of diversity in race, color, age and sexuality.
Workshop addressing the gap between women (Yoni Tempel)
August 26, 2017
At the 7 day Vrouwenfestival Lorelei (women's festival) Esther, Anneke Lovert-Van Adrichem, Zoa Moeniralam and I sat women opposite of eachother and through family constellation exposed the wound between women for it to be addressed.
Past Projects
Yoni Tempel
April 2017 - February 2023
Keeper of women circles at the Yoni Tempel (, Rotterdam
Project ColorWhite
Let's sit and talk
November 2018 - 2021
Inspired by the BLM demonstrations I took to the street with two small stools and people could come and talk to me about anti-racism and such.
Other Work History
Educto, Rotterdam
January 17, 2025 - current
Allround medewerker Ondersteuning en Beheer (Allround Officer Support and Management)
Client Contact Center; office management; support Planning Leestalent, Finance and ad-hoc.
Educto, Rotterdam
September 2, 2024 - January 17, 2025
Customer service, office management, support Planning. Temporarily filling in for a maternity leave.
Lindetree BV, Middelharnis
February - July 2015
Office Manager
Esther Didden, Den Haag/Schiedam
2006 - 2011
Project Manager art projects; office manager. Also responsible for IT/building websites and their maintenance; facilitating Project Leaders.
tweekeerrood, Den Haag
2004 - 2006
Interior design, stylist
International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD), Den Haag
2002 - 2005
Personnel & Projects Officer. Set up and implementing HRM policy; recruitment; introduction new employess; project administration; back up to secretary/receptionist.
Kitti Wittaya School, Trat (Thailand)
Teacher English at this private primary school
Callcenter teammember at the ANWB and Delta Lloyd, projectmanager at Pasar Malam Besar, Den Haag; receptionist at Stroom HCBK, Den Haag; teammember Internationaal Rotterdams Film Festival and Oerol Festival, retail.
Haagse Hogeschool, Economie en Management, Studierichting Bibliotheek en Documentaire Informatie (BDI)
Information management, college
Bachelor degree: July 2, 1992
HAVO voor Muziek en Dans te Rotterdam
(Highschool, Academy for Music and Dance)
Major in Dance
Diploma: June 10, 1988